Hello, iam Pam Trinh, Have a happy day.
How Does Flat Shift Work? [Solved]
The Flat Shift function allows for full throttle gear changes to occur without throttle lifting. There are a number of types of Flat Shift but this is commonly used for sequential gearboxes with an input from a load cell. The engine power is then cut for an amount of time to allow the gear change to take place.
How To Power Shift Correctly - Go Faster Without Destroying Transmissions
Powershifting, no-lift shifting, or
Configuring Flat-Shifting | Flat Shift Workings, Setup and Tuning Process [GOLD WEBINAR LESSON]
Particularly on turbocharged engines, flat-shifting can reduce the drop off in boost we see on a gear shift. Using a
What Is Power Shifting? (And Why It’s A Bad Idea)
What is power shifting? Power shifting is when you