Sup, iam Amada Galante, Hope you’re doing well!

How Does Odysseus Get To Phaeacia? [Solved]

Poseidon, returning from a visit to Ethiopia, spots Odysseus on the open sea, raises his trident, and sends a swamping storm that nearly drowns him. With the help of Athena and a sea nymph named Leucothea, Odysseus makes it ashore on the island of Scheria, home of the Phaeacians.

GW1 - Odyssey: The Phaeacians


The Odyssey: Odysseus Arrives in Phaeacia

A Film for Mr. Gallant’s Honors English © 2019 All Rights Reserved.

Are the Phaeacians friendly? Homer’s Odyssey 6 & 13

Hello Folks, This time we’ll be looking at the